God said “Miracles will happen”.
We receive a time of your Brightness of His Glory and recognize a release of fresh oil upon your head to remove the weights & chores mindset you. You can replace it with joyful desire for him.
You will help stop abortion in this state.
North Dakota Aglow Team has favor of God.
You will hear your self saying I am the Lord’s servant be it unto me , Oh Lord.
New Level Words
- Your vision will increase.
- Your faith level will accerate.
- You will deliver the addicted.
- You will heal the sick.
2009-2001 was a time of equipping. You will live in and manifest the fullness of the Holy Spirit fruit and gifts.
Chuck Pierce/ 2009 – ND is heading into the windy season. Stirring up destiney that has not fully come into the atmosphere. As the wind blows naturally. God has planted and relocated the fragrance of the Spirit of God in the North & Blow to the South into the rest of the Nation.
ND Prophecy of a glorious future & resources for our nation. Ask the wind to come and blow the fragrance of the Spirit of God South into the rest of the nation.
ND Travailing three times. Now call forth the fruit, once the wind blow, the fruit will come. The fruit of physical & spiritual.
ND is a new wine skin State coming. A new prophetic state.
North Dakota is going to heal relationships. The healing is coming of the land & people and atmosphere of healing (weather). Healing hover over this state for land, grandparents, all accross the state and it will affect crops.
Chuck Pierce 6-2004 – 10 years of Spiritual Darkeness over ND.
North Dakota will rise up in such a way to unite and become a new sharp, threshing instrument. The mountains of the past will not be able to stop them in the future.
They will have a voice of decree that will cause every mountain that has stopped the move of God to begin to fall and the mountain will become a plain. As the mountain become a plain in the northern plains, the Glory of God will visit this northern plain state, then it will flood down south.
I saw the northern plain here in ND, you are actually the northern state that represent the “circle of life”. The Lord said, Tell them things not fulfilled in past in my destiney; I am going to start working a way in their midst. So supernaturally fullfillment of my promise and destiney is your to come still. That is why the disconnect in the past which has broken down right at the time of coverant breaking spirit in this land & what cause it.
God is giving Authority of broken covenants & unity is coming to the state.
Pray for New level of unity. Cause ND to rise up in faith & become or change to a threshing instrument.
Hope deferred from generations since early 1800 must be broken out of the land (Sorrow). Joy will be seen in this land when covenant restored.
Note: Joy = shift in covenant which in turn = blessings. Declare Joy over ND. Hope to be restored.
Catherin Brown / 2008- Year of accerlation & multiplication for witness, worship & the work of Aglow. When destiney & ministry are fused together in the timing of Christ, abundance fruit is produced to the Glory of God.
An Appointed season of divine metamorphosis (a change of form on nature of a thing or person into completely defer one by nature or supernatural means). A Vision of change in Kairos (Greek word: right, critical or opportune moment, proper time for action ) timing of God.
My Kairos time produce acceleration for the purpose of Kingdom advancement & accerlation.
Preparation precedes acceleration. And many of God’s children walk in the season of preperation yielding to refiners fire so that their faith is purified, galvanized and magnified to what lies ahead.
You are authorized, appointed and anointed as Kings and Priest by my father. Is. 22:22, Matt. 28:18-20.
The angel Gabriel when speaking to Zechariah of the birth of Christ indicated that his words would be fulfilled their season (Kairos). Luke 1:20
Promises from God find their fullfillment in His Kairos timing. Gal. 6:9
Metamorphorsis 2 Corn. 3:18. We are transformed into His likeness with ever increasing glory which come from the Lord, who is Spirit!
Aglow – Symbolically grow wings, eyes, hands & feet.
- Ability to percieve spiritual prophetic wisdom and understanding (eyes)
- to move in faith in witness and works (wings, hands, feet)