Impact Christian Fellowship
Graham Cooke
You are about to come into the most outrageous, most excessive, most incredible season of blessing that you have ever encountered in all your years as a believer. This is the year when God will consistently knock the ball out of the park. Not just a home
run, but a lost ball. God is going to knock the ball out of the grounds, out of the stadium, out of the park.
So, the Lord anoints you to swing the bat against everything negative that’s in your life, and His word to you is, “I Am is with you. I Am is with you…and you will overcome, and you will rise up, and you will be overwhelmed by a new season of heaven. And you will see the truth and the power and the majesty of the Gospel at work in your life, and the truth will set you free.”
“Every problem has a promise. Every difficulty has a blessing. Every curse has a prophecy attached to it. Everything that is against you, I will give you something else instead. I’m going to teach you to move in the opposite spirit…not only to what is against you, but to what is against anybody you meet…so you will turn their curse into a blessing, you will turn their difficulty into a healing, into a move of God that everywhere you go, blessing will come.”
“Everywhere the sole of your foot treads, there will be water in your very footprints. You will have a well of water on the inside of you that will never run dry. Your whole mindset will change, your language will change, your way of seeing will change, your behavior will change, and you will become another man and another woman. This is the day of the Lord in this church. This is the day of the Lord. Now is the accepted time.”
He is making war on everything that is warring against you. You rise up in this time, in this season, and become a warrior, become a fighter, become an over-comer, become more than a conqueror. And you will see God in ways that you never would have imagined. And for many of you, your story is going to change from this point on. Your history is going to be adjusted from this point on. Your journey is going to be radically altered from this point on. The Holy Spirit will train you to embrace blessing, to embrace
goodness, to embrace all that God is doing in and through the Lord Jesus Christ in your life. This is the year of your rising. This is the year of your rising.
And the Lord says, “All those in your family line…no one is safe from this period of blessing. All those away, all those who are away from God, all those who are not walking with God, all those who are causing you trouble and heartache…you can ask Me for them. You can stand in their place ’in-stead’…you can do it by proxy. You can make a list –even for the people who are away from the Lord. This is an outrageous season. And I’m going to teach you how to be outrageous. I will withhold nothing good from you. I will give it all to you. You can stand in their place. You can write their list for them, you can pray for them, and I will do it in their life –even despite their rebellion, even despite their intransigence, even despite their living where Satan dwells. This is a season of miracle, after miracle, after miracle…and every family in this community is going to have this testimony, ‘This a what God did instead….’”
(intransigence : refusing to agree or compromise; uncompromising; inflexible; refusing to moderate a position, especially an extreme position; originally from a Spanish word for “not coming to an agreement”)
One of the favorite words around this community will be “instead.” “I wonder what God’s going to do instead? “Have you got your instead yet?” “What’s happening instead?” “Why are you not thinking about your instead?” “God’s doing something else instead…let’s do what God is doing instead.”
So Father, I proclaim in the name of Jesus, that the “power of instead” will engulf us like a tsunami. You will wash away our negativity –never to return. Instead we will be the most positive community in this whole Hill Country, and what pours out of this community will overwhelm everything the enemy is doing for miles and miles and miles around. We will export this every place we go – our places we work and our businesses will become places where God does something different instead. We will buck the national trend in terms of economy because You will be doing something else instead. Where companies are faced with bankruptcy, You will do something else instead. Where our order book is low, You will fill it instead. You will overwhelm, You will overcome, until we arrive at a place where we can’t think any other way than the way You think. We will be renewed in the spirit of our mind, and nothing shall be impossible to us.
So, I ask that in Jesus’ name –because Jesus deserves that to happen in this place. In Jesus’ name, I declare a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit in this place…instead…we’re going to go to a new level of anointing and relationship with God instead of where we’ve been. We’ll see the water level rising, and each week we’ll put a new watermark on the building, a new watermark in our lives. We will have a new hallmark of anointing and power in this place. And in this place, there will rise up a vastly superior quality of person –we’ll have a hallmark of heaven upon us…because Jesus deserves that, and we are going to give it to Him because He’s so worth it..
I ask all these things in Jesus’ name, amen.