Job 22:28

Thou shalt also decree a thing and it shall be established unto you; and the light shall shine upon your ways. 

Matt 28:18
Then Jesus came to them and said, “All power in the heaven and on earth is given to me.”

Romans 8:11
God raise Christ from the death and he will give life through His Spirit that lives in you.

 There was a spiritual drought pertaining to a break through and moving forward with momentum in the state of North Dakota.  A shaking is going on.  A shaking for the good. In 2004, One of the Lord’s servant said the Lord will cause ND to rise up in such a way as to unite and become a new, sharp, threshing instrument.  Mountains of the past will not be able to stop your people in present and the future. The Northern Plains in North Dakota are known as the northern state that represents, the circle of life up until now.

God is working in our midst so supernaturally fulfilling His past promises, and destiny in our lives and state.  For the Broken covenant of the past, God is giving authority for healing the broken covenant & unity to this state. We pray for the promised new level of unity, causing ND to rise in faith which becomes or changes into a threshing instrument.

Lord, in 2008 You encourage Aglow in North Dakota with a word of acceleration and multiplication for witnesses, worship and work of Aglow for fulfilling its destiny and ministry.   Now North Dakota is fused together in the timing of Christ, Kairos.  In this appointed season of divine metamorphosis, a vision of change has come to reach out, to speak out, to spread out a greater measure yet experienced. 

We will decree that every mountain that has stopped the move of God to begin to fall and the mountain will become a plain as you prophesied.  I am seeing these mountains becoming a plain in the northern plains.  The Glory of God has visited this northern state of North Dakota.  Glory is flooding down South and to the nations.   Every past stronghold is shaken off with this new freedom to enter into a time of festivity.

We will not forget our past experiences for the benefit of others.  Hope deferred from generations since early 1800 will be broken from the land of sorrow, entering a great joy of the festivities of Christ.   Joy will be seen in this land of North Dakota for generations to come with a new covenant.  A convent of Joy will shift this land and its occupants to an abundance of blessings.  We declare, “Come forth the Joy of Promise” over North Dakota. 

Joy will spring forth a submersion in love.  This love causes us to swiftly obey.  Perfect alignment that will unlock mysteries for the people of North Dakota.  He will give life to many through training and equipping the Body of Christ.  I will speak of God’s Glory every day. People will rejoice and give praise.

North Dakota has been chosen to receive a time of your brightness of HIS Glory.   I recognize the release of fresh oil upon our heads removing the weights and closed mindsets of ours culture.  North Dakota Stand will help to stop abortion.  A joyful desire for Him will replace multiple pains.

Angels will be attracted into the room where God’s people speak; your mouth will draw angels to pick up their assignments.  (Only Blessings will come from my Mouth.)  As my spirit urges, I will speak and call that is not as if it were and it will be so in North Dakota and the lives of many.

 Kings are being called to come to your Brightness within our boarders.  You placed a Key in our hands and we will boldly broadcast Christ Authority over the earth.   More seasons of Building and Expanding on their way.  In 2009 to 2011, a servant of the Lord spoke of equipping. “ Blinders are falling off and a stirring of the Spirit in us bringing the habitation and manifestation of the fullness of the Holy Spirit Gifts.”  Create a hunger that cannot be consumed by the Barren ways.  Call me again the Apple of Your Eye!

The Increase of vision and faith will accelerate to new levels that birth forth your goodness in me and the people of North Dakota.  There will be a break out in Song of Joy.   We accept your command of one angel specially assigned to this Region to assist God’s people in bringing forth a move of God here in ND. Let the atmosphere be electrify with his release from Heaven to earth to fulfill his assignment.

My soul now speaks with confident the words, I am the Lord’s servant, be it unto me, oh Lord.  A New Light will shine on North Dakota to penetrate His people’s intimacy level as a corporate Church igniting a new level of authority.  This combustion light will bring others with their resources and anointing to our state, strengthening us and joining in with praise.

Heading into the windy season since 2009 stirring up destiny in North Dakota.  The atmosphere is catching our destiny.  As the wind blows naturally God has planted and relocated the fragrances of the Spirit of God in the North.  This North wind will blow to the South into the rest of the Nation.

North Dakota’s glorious future and resources for our nation travails no more. The fruit of physical and spiritual realms enter the final warfare over the destiny of this North Dakota.  The earth battle is clearer than in 2010.  Dreams in the heart of men and women from God. The outpouring of the Spirit by prairie fires will grow in to a blaze.  New converts and radical young people who are rescued from addiction and brokenness usher in the Harvest.

A new wine skin with a prophetic birth will overwhelm many with pride.  Healing takes up resident in relationships of people, of land, and atmosphere.  Even the weather will witness of God’s Kindness in North Dakota. As the Spirit hover over this Sate, crops will be affected.  Get ready for a great out pouring!  God said Miracles will happen. You will heal the sick.  You will deliver the addicted.

 Revealed portals, in this season, will pull many through to an anointed destiny design for them.  Taking our battles to the air superiority and atmosphere rule.  Pulling out the deepest deep. Raising up a standard to the flood of this world.  John 17:6-10, Let their ear hear what the Spirit is saying through your teaching.  Iam safe by the Power of your name and your Son Jesus.  Let your goodness through me return many to your loving arms.  Amen!

**Note:  Prophecy portion of the decree is underline