Aglow Welcomes You!

North Dakota is no longer taking the back seat with the Kingdom of God. God’s people dwell in this land of North Dakota. Our desire is to be there for you, whether you are hurting, sick, needing a mentor, or even salvation for the first time.

We will rejoice with you as we will open our hearts to you with a pray of supplication. We have traveled across this State praying for a spiritual awaking in the body of Christ. The fire of God is here. Great things are in store for North Dakota. His wind is blowing over North Dakota now. God is calling his people to feed his sheep. The Lord says he will move as we move; he will heal as we speak out healing.

A mighty move of God is settling here on this land. A stirring up of the dirt that covers this place is coming; as the dirt settles it will settle in the divine correct place.

Touching one another with a greater purpose in life; seeking the Lost for the Kingdom of God.

If you are:

  • Looking for answers in your life, Aglow knows the Father who has them
  • Wanting to make a positive difference in your world, God sent you here to help
  • Desiring to minister to others, Aglow can help you develop your calling
  • Do you know God now, but you want to grow in the things of the Spirit…then Aglow welcomes you!


Aglow International, of which we are a part, was founded in 1967 in Seattle, Washington, by a handful of Christian women with a belief that no one can reach into a woman’s world quite as well as another woman.

Today, Aglow’s multifaceted ministry is helping to change people’s lives in neighborhoods, inner cities, workplaces, rural communities, prisons and jails, war-torn nations, and in refugee camps.

People in every stage of life and from every culture are being touched by the love of Christ expressed through the outstretched hand of Aglow.